The word “Wakaya” comes from a language Peruvian indigenous “Kukama Kukamiria”, which refers to the action of giving something in exchange, whether material or intellectual. Based on the above and what is intended to be achieved with each activity carried out, is to be able to share information that allows mutual knowledge, ideas and exchange of culture, in such a way that it is enriching for each of the parties.

“A world to discover” is a phrase that invites us to discover the different cultural, natural and historical wonders that our country has, which are not well recognized, are hidden or we simply do not have enough information to generate interest.

Our logo is made up of different symbols that represent the different places, experiences and feelings that we want to express:
Green circle: It represents the nature that surrounds us and its yellow splendor at the top resembles the sun that covers us.
Mountain: Our tours are focused on any type of tourist environment, from the warmest to the coldest climates.
Palm Trees: Reflects the growth of the company in its experience and scope in commerce.
Toucan: The care and responsibility we have with all animals.

Wakaya Aventura S.A.S.